Hi There,

Just a quick update on the reprint of Stephen Thrower's Murderous Passions: The Delirious Cinema of Jesús Franco which a good number of you have kindly placed pre-orders for.  

Unfortunately, given the high print costs of the project, we're still a good distance from covering its production. As a result, and with Stephen's agreement, we've decided to cancel all orders and relaunch the project as a new edition through a Kickstarter campaign. We feel this will be a more effective way of covering the book's production and wanted to apologise to everyone who has placed an order. 

We're determined to bring this first volume back into print, and will have more information on the campaign shortly. Please do keep an eye out for mailout or instagram updates on the campiagn.

In the meantime, for those that have pre-ordered, please be aware that State51 will not have taken any payment for the order.

We'll be sending an email confirmation of cancellations out through their system this week, but if you have any questions please don't hesistate to get in touch with us at strangeattractor@greedbag.com.

All the best,
Jamie & Mark