Strange Attractor Press invite you to join us in celebrating the publication of
Paradise, the final volume in Ken Hollings’ epic Trash Trilogy.
The event will also celebrate 20 years since SAP’s first book event at The
Horse Hospital.
Ken will read from the book, and copies of all three volumes will be on
sale, along with the companion volume The Trash Concordance.
There will also be a signing, alongside a performance reading
from Paradise as The Howling, accompanied by Howlround’s
Robin The Fog on reel to reel tape recorders.
December 6th
Door 7pm
The Horse Hospital
“What first attracted me to the prospect of creating one work in the
shadow of another was Dante’s inflexible commitment to proportion,
symmetry and uniformity in the depiction of his spiritual journey through the
Energetic and enthusiastic, Hollings’ conception of trash is poetic,
exaggerated and true to the conceptual and ultimately confrontational nature of
the underground. - Laura Jacobs, Art Monthly
In the third and final volume of his personal reflections on Trash
Aesthetics, Ken Hollings tells the story of three kings who squandered
everything they had in a grandiose spectacle of waste. King Ludwig II of
Bavaria, ‘King of Rock ‘n’ Roll’ Elvis Presley and
Michael Jackson, the ‘King of Pop,’ all shared the same doomed
innocence. Their lives and early deaths were connected through individual
displays of unfettered extravagance that brought them to the very edge of ruin.
Each of them lived out their personal ideals of beauty and pleasure – even
after the money was gone. In his reworking of Dante Alighieri’s Paradiso,
Hollings presents Heaven as a place of rebellious but tragic