"Téléplasmiste have managed to beguile us once more" 
—Freq Zine

"Their most complete and complex work yet... vast in scope and ambition" 
—Electronic Sound

"Music from a distant future, beamed to us from a star, millions of light-years way, through a scrying crystal"

Hello There,

Please join us to celebrate the launch of Teleplasmiste's new album 'Of Nature & Electricity', with support from the mighty Hawthonn, at a secret East London location.

Teleplasmiste is the electronic duo featuring SAP founder Mark Pilkington and Michael J York (Current 93, The Utopia Strong, The Witching Tale). For a taste of Teleplasmiste live, you can watch this video of them performing in our studio building last year.

Hawthonn are Strange Attractor Journal V contributors Layla and Phil Legard performing songs for electronics, voice and acoustic instruments. Check them out here. 

There will be records and merch for sale, plus a live light show and pendulographic artworks!
Tickets are free, but must be booked via THIS LINK.

All the best,

Strange Attractor Press